Wednesday, July 11, 2007


My 2001 Ford Focus ZX3 going up in flames is the answer. Yep, thats right, my baby turned into a carbeque on Monday. There I was downtown Atlanta, jamming to Clark Howard, okay thats another part of my pathetic life, when I smell smoke, I diagnosis it as having lost a water pump or hose and needing to pull over. I find a nice little opening next to a fire hydrant, turn off my car and of course say a few choice words. I see the steam and I also see a nice young woman comming towards me yelling 'your car is on fire get out of the car'. I reach for my purse, cigarettes and coffee first, then I grab anything else in reach. By the time I exited the vehicle the entire hood is engulfed. I watch my car burn to a shell, of course the fire department showed, remember, I told you I parked next to the fire hyrdrant...Not much help when the fire is actually next to the bloody thing. I was told to stay and wait for APD to come and write a report. I waited 2.5 hours. I called you and you graciously drove 40 miles to get to me and for that I am grateful. So you are a witness to the officer informing me that they do not write reports for vehicle fires and I could have left 2.5 hours ago. Still he was gracious to call a tow truck and we watched as my baby was hooked up moved and the rest of her shoveled off the street then towed away.
Glad to know my tradgedy produced a blessing of your kids getting to be picked up and entertained for the evening while you assisted me, granted you only stayed at my house for a whole five minutes. So Fernando is worthy of sharing your bed again...Was it not only Sunday we were planning his demise because he was a heartless, insensitive, smoke blowing bloke. I'm telling you Em, he is going to destroy his marriage within the next month because of his infatuation with you. And you are going to violate every rule designed to be in your best interest because you can't keep your hands off of him. And to make matters worse, your husband, remember him?, is sinking deeper and deeper into depression. I understand that most of this is his making, he should not have gone snooping looking for something he was not prepared to find. Still, if he finds out that the two of you are hooking up hot and heavy only a few days after he has left, he may do something stupid. It may be too late if Fernando is commuting back and forth to NC because he can't stand not spending every available moment with you, that tells me it just a matter of time before the wife finds out he is interested in someone else.
My car is gone Em, and to add insult to injury, the garage door where I parked the car snapped a panel this evening. Yep, its a good thing I don't have to open that side anymore. See there is always something good in f-uped situations.
And for petes sake Em, when I call you tomorrow, do not tell me how tired you are, just give me the details, gotta keep the memory of sex fresh in my mind.


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