Friday, July 13, 2007

Because of him

Because of him you have been on a roller coaster, on again off again and its only been one week Em. Because of him you hurt today at the core of your being. Emotions running high, self esteem issues, confusion, anger and humiliation. Oh yes, all that entices me to want to get back into another relationship. It shouldn't hurt so much to love somebody. You deserve more than this, your kids deserve more than this. Are you making your kids proud by allowing this man to continue this way, have a little more self respect. Could you truly be happy with a spineless cad? I think its much more than his fear of his wife leaving for Mexico with the kids or disappearing in the cover of darkness because he decided to move on. I think he has a comfort zone issue. He claims he has never been shown such love, understanding and warmth as he receives from you, but he then turns around back to her and allows her to dictate how the family will spend time together. Once again allowing the plans the two of you have made to be altered and always at the last minute. This is becoming a pattern. He fears losing the kids, well your kids lost their dad and the life they had known because of him. Why is he so special? If she bolts he does what we all have had to do, take the blow, lay down on the ground and cry through the grass and the trees and pray to heaven on your knees. You keep your dignity in tact and have faith that the situation eventually works itself out. He cannot continue hurting those around him because he is not ready. He has to let one of you go.
Of course as always this is just my opinion standing on the sidelines.


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