Sunday, July 8, 2007

You cannot be left alone can you?

Wow Em, if I had known you were having one of your many insecure, I'll show you, moments I would have stayed in touch today. I'm afraid I will have to monitor you more closely. I do not relish a virtual slap for what you have done will be painful enough for you. Do you really want time before Fernando makes a move or do you want him now and too hell with all the consequences that will come with the outing of you two? You are once again sending mixed messages. Do you really think for one minute that he relished telling you that he has plans with his family? I think not, that would bring about PROBLEMS.... Get the picture?
What is so terrible about spending time alone? Hellooooo, you are talking too me, the one that actually got rejected from EHarmony, the one who has seven dogs because God forgot to create that special someone for me. Act your age and stop acting out, its not attractive. If you want Fernando at your beckon call you need to make the rules now, if he cannot accommodate move on, you do have men waiting on the sidelines in case you have forgotten.
My day was uneventful, worked as usual, talked to mom off and on, she was rear ended earlier today, not hurt but I have a feeling her past injuries will pay her a visit tomorrow. Had dinner with Debbie and went to see License to Wed, it was okay, came back to the house and watched two of the Eddie Izzard marathon shows and soon I will prepare my work for Sunday. Figure out want it is you want Em, if you truly love this man you will definitely lose him if you do not grow up.
Hey, I have another idea for a website, some licensing issues are likely to crop up, but I think it is unique enough to gain momentum. You see you and I are extremely relationship challenged, we collectively have seen and done more than most, I think it is time we share the do's and don'ts and if someone does the don'ts, how to recover quickly. Or better yet, how not to become Emily and Melissa. Call me tomorrow, I will be working as usual.
Night Em,

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