Wednesday, July 4, 2007


That was beautifully written Emily, I almost developed a tear. Oh to be in love, how everything seems so new and exciting. There is nothing familiar about that warm body reaching out to you during those moments when the eyes of the world are looking away. Those stolen moments or even hours, how precious they are few and far between and only then is all attention focused on you. Wow, how incredibly awesome is that, too be the center of this mans universe and of course he is yours. But wait, have we forgotten...surely not...could it be...why yes thats right the two of you have other lives, lives that at this moment are in the process of being catapulted to the depths of emotional hell. Your husband left today a shattered man, and in the dimming twilight of his life this is a bitch of a place to be. I will give him credit realizing that he could not win in this competition he exited left so Fernando could enter right stage. Keep in mind Em, that he will be watching, waiting and relishing in the thought that you are giving everything up for this man and life will take him away.
So here is the deal Em, you cannot mess this one up there is more at stake here than losing a great lay. Fernando is in the process of ending his marriage, between the two of you there are four little kids that quite frankly deserve better and are going to be on a emotional roller coaster when the family becomes blended. You could be talking years of therapy or some hefty bail postings later on. You cannot rush into this relationship with out truly giving yourself time to find out why it is you continue to do this too yourself.
Are you ready Em for the BS coming your way? He has a wife who is not going to go away just because the judge signs a few papers. Her games are going to be incredibly creative and instigated whenever she gets the yearning to interfere with your little love nest.
I wish I could envy you, but I cannot, for I see the drama being played out in the near future. You may be ready in your heart for all of this, but is Fernando ready? For if you truly love this man mind body and soul, you are opening yourself up to becoming me and I would not wish that on anyone. You see, I still love a man who hurt me to the core of my being, who never looked back or gave me anything to base closure on. Nine years later I would rather be alone than go through that again. Rejection affects people in many different ways, you never know, be careful with the innocent for they will never forget you.

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