Saturday, July 7, 2007

Such a lot of money, such a short space of time!!!


I am so sad to hear about the vet visit. You and I both understand spending thousands on our fur babies. I just hope that her recovery time is uneventful and like my fur baby she is better and stronger after the surgery. As for the new bedroom suite - IKEA!!!! Not to advertise for anyone, but I just LOVE that place. Fancy a road trip??? I guess we'd have to take your son in order to accomodate his wishes. but then again you could just have him pick it out of the catalogue and we could go and have some fun!!!!!!!

I know you want to know more, but there's not much more to tell. I had a surprise visitor on Friday morning - at 4.45am. Can you believe that?? Who the hell is up at that time in the morning?? I have to tell you the sneaky way he got out of the house - he set the clock forward an hour.....LOL. I guess he was too excited to sleep and kept waking up to see the time. Eventually at 4.30am he couldn't take it anymore and changed the clock. She woke up enough to ask him to re-set the alarm. Not only did he get up and hour early, so did she....LOL. Funny thing is she hasn't said anything to him about it yet. Is she too stupid to notice, or does she just not care enough to say anything?? I don't care either way to be honest I got a great morning workout (twice) and it set the tone for a great day :-) :-) I used to hate sex in the morning, but I guess you take it when you can get it when you are having an affair. Fernando certainly is great at recovering :-) Maybe there are some good points to a younger man!!

I had another surprise visit this morning too, but this at a more social 7.30am. I hadn't been up long so I wasn't really functioning well but it went well. Obviously the kids were up so it was a fairly hands off visit. Again, I thought it had set the tone for a great day but it wasn't to be :-(

It's a stupid argument and I am sure I am going to get a virtual slap over this, but we were discussing tonight. I asked him if he thought he could get away for an hour or two. I suggested he call a mutual friend who would alibi him for a night out. He said "OK, I will call R" Silly me, why on earth did I think he actually meant "OK, I will call R".

Unfortuntaly I found out the difference while I was shopping at Walmart, standing in the beer aisle wondering if I should pick him up a six pack. I called and asked him if he thought he could truly get away tonight. His answer "to be honest I don't know" WTF???? I thought you were calling R to get an alibi and I was looking forward to spending some time with you - alone!!! In my usual adult fashion I got the ass and hung up the phone. I have an inability to behave like an adult when I am pissed off. I did eventually call him back and attempt to discuss things in a more reasonable fashion but it didn't last long. What he had actually meant to say is "WE have plans to take my daughters out, I may be able to get away after that, but it would have to be a very brief visit".

So, if that was the deal why the f*** didn't you just say that??? We have had numerous conversations about the fact that the kids come first period. There is no fighting over time missed together because either one of us is with the kids. Why not just tell me the sodding truth. I would have been disappointed yes, but I understand having made a promise to your kids to go and do something to. I would NEVER voice my disappointment if he had told me what he was doing. What an asshole. I was so pissed that I hung up the phone - again. See the devloping pattern here. He called back numerous times and I just kept hanging up the phone. Shit I am beyond childish but it made me feel better :-)

At the end of the day our argument was not resolved. I later calmed down enough to explain that I felt like he was blowing smoke up my butt, and in fact he should have just been truthful about his plans and he would have had no crap from me whatsoever. I told him he needed to start learning to tell the truth to at least one person in his life.

So here I sit - alone!!!! Yeah, I am pissed off, yeah I have yelled at the kids - and don't feel any better, yeah I cleaned my house, yeah I killed some weeds - but I am still alone. How hard is it to leave the house?? She gave him a greenlight to do what he wants, so take the bitch for her word and leave. Take care of your promises to your children - and leave!!!!

Oh hell, I'm going to finish this glass of wine and go to bed. I'm sure he will be suitable contrite on Monday and hopefully my mood will have improved.

Be gentle - I don't really want a virtual slap, or an "I told you so" I want honesty from him - just not from you......LOL.

Talk later!!!!

Emily xo

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